There is a way to get into Canifis without doing Preist of Peril! If you have 65+ agility, go to the east of the temple that has the the Zamorak monks in it. It is the temple in the quest. To the south-east of that, there is a broken railing of fence. It reads: 'Squeeze through ornate railing'. Arceuus House 2m gp. Comes with Kourend teleport unlock. Piscarilius House: 2m gp. 30 crafting & 15 hunter required. Add 500k to price if you want me to get requirements for you. Hosidius House: 2m gp. (Add 500k for Ironmen if you do not have 400-500 saltpetre). Lovakengj House: 2m gp. 42 Mining required. Shayzien House: 1.5m gp. The higher tier slayer master you get your tasks from, the more points you’ll receive per task (Krystilia is an exception.) If you’re an extremely low-level player, your best bet is Krystillia or Mazchna, who require combat 0 and combat 20 respectively.
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